Friday, July 31, 2009

Would you GROW UP already?!

So, my 29th birthday is in a few weeks and I can't help but feel like I have some growing up to do. I'm not bothered by the age... shit, I'm not even bothered by the gray hair. I am bothered by the unrelenting feeling that there's just ONE MORE project to be done around the house. When does it end? When do I finally get to sit on the couch, exhale, and say "Ah...I'm done..."? I know it's good to constantly want more for yourself but this is just ridiculous. I met with a financial planner thinking it would help me get my finances in order and he just confused me more. Evidently, I'm doing several things wrong and if I don't correct them ASAP, I'll be living with the trolls under a bridge.

I began cleaning out drawers... did my quarterly wardrobe assessment and dropped off a bunch of garbage bags full of clothing to Goodwill. Sold a buncha junk on Ebay. Bought a filing cabinet, labeled the files and sorted all of my documents. Still have that feeling. Looked out on the patio and it seemed bare. Maybe I needed to spruce it up? Went to Home Depot and purchased a really pretty clearanced patio set and some fun plants and herbs. The plants were dead before I could blink. Then I thought... "Maybe I need a grill?" I DON'T need a grill. I don't even know how to grill! I find myself constantly pacing the house making mental lists of things that need to be done in order for me to... well... be "done". The list is impossible... and if I were to do everything on it- I'd be dirt poor at the end of it.

-New bedroom set
-Paint and redo bathroom
-New couches
-Set up 2nd bedroom
-Set up master bedroom

That's just the beginning of it and I'm already exhausted. I think I'll be happy with what I have and... as I creep closer to being another year older, I'll count my blessings and shut my mouth.

Sometimes, you don't need more STUFF... you need a good mental kick in the ass...

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