Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A few scraps

Warning: NONE of the following is in any particular order and it probably wont make any sense but- my ramblings MAY provide a bit of entertainment for you.

1- Kate Gosslin.... Gotta say- she DID drive her husband away with her hardcore bitchy behavior BUT he stuck around for it and enabled her the entire time without standing up for himself. Kate looked like the jerk in the beginning of this saga but she's appearing more saintly these days. I can't help but wonder how a 32 year old mother of 8 will go on to succesfully find love. I'm fully aware of the fact that I don't actually KNOW this woman but- it's still a sad situation. Sure, she's got a TV show and she's loaded at this point but, what's the point in having all that cash if you've got nobody to share your life with? The same thought crosses my mind when I look at Martha Stewart or Oprah. Granted, Oprah has Steadman but... COME ON... that's a hoax.

2- Publix 2-4-1's are making me fat. Seriously... I buy more blueberries and watermelon than I can possibly consume and I literally choke it down as I'm watching it spoil. I can't help myself. I can get TWO packages of blueberries for the price of ONE! I watch my "savings" ring up at the register and I glow the entire time. I'm sure I end up spending double the money but.. I still end up feeling like a winner.

3- My birthday is next month and, in my family, if you don't email links to the gifts you want- you don't get anything. I'm stumped. Any suggestions? Under $100.... Help!


novembergal said...


For future reference, freeze the blueberries, in fact all berries, so when they are out of season you won't be. It will take a bit of organization, but well worth it, to include the powerful health benifits of eating your berries....lololol....

novembergal said...


Regarding your birthday gifts from your family this year, why not give...find your favorite charity and celebrate your gift to them?

Happy Birthday!