Thursday, July 2, 2009

Vacation... It's all I ever wanted...

Listen here.... I love my job but I'm not gonna lie.... I can't wait to blow this joint and go on vacation! I think everyone's a little antsy around this time of year. My 2009 resolution was to stop vacationing in places I've already been a thousand times. To get out there and roam the planet.... See what it has to offer. So, we set our sights on D.C. Never been. Never even thought about going. I love food, I love shopping, I love museums and culture with a tad bit of history thrown in. Right now, there are the most amazing travel specials on the web and I've become damn good at doing my research and finding good deals. Anyway, pretty psyched... Stay tuned for stories and pics.

Off on a tangent- I did something last night I've never done in my life and I'm freaked out. Get your mind out of the gutter, you perv!

In the midst of a deep sleep, I awoke around 12:45 and saw The Home Shopping Channel on my TV screen. Some guy was screaming something about a revolutionary, life changing water filtration system that I had to have. It came in white, black and now- stylish CHROME (for an additional $10). The guy promised me 20,000 gallons of the freshest, purest, cleanest water I've ever tasted in my life. At this point.... I'm wide awake, sitting up AND grabbing for the phone all while glued to the TV screen. I power through a TON of bottled water every week. I can drink like a champ and it costs me a fortune. I did some quick math and realized that, at the low, low price of $29.95+ tax and shipping, I could potentially save THOUSANDS. At least, that's what the guy was telling me. I watched him assemble the whole unit and pump out a ton of yummy water and then... I dialed. The woman on the line could tell I was in a zombie-like state and she chuckled a little when I told her I was totally awake and psyched about all the money I was gonna save after hooking this system up. She tried to upsell me on a countertop rotiserrie that had just popped up on the screen. It was "remarkably priced" at $58.99 and I was told I'd never find an offer like this again in my life. I didn't bite. I placed my order for the filtration system and promptly went back to sleep feeling awesome about my new purchase.

Let's take a vote.... Who here thinks I had ANY idea what I was doing? Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL ABOUT being hydrated and drinking crystal clear water but now I'm freaked. I'm thinking about all of the future possibilities and trouble I could get myself into in the future, while sleeping.

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