Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pugs. Can't live with em.

In effort to gain as much attention as possible, my pug has now taken to peeing in areas of the house that are impossible for me to find until I actually hunt them down. Here's the deal... he's 4 years old. He KNOWS the drill. He is walked often and he knows how to flag me down if there's a special occasion and he needs to go out. This peeing routine just started a few months ago and has become more and more frequent. Most times, he'll do it after I've just finished spending the day with him. I leave.... he pees. It's kinda like seperation anxiety. I actually knew a couple who had a pug that used to have anxiety attacks and chew himself bloody (I think this is TWO blogs in a row where I've mentioned blood, now) he was on anti-depressants and all. I really can't see myself going to pick up my DOGS prozac prescription.... and I have enough trouble getting him into the shower- I don't forsee him saying "oh, time for my meds? sure... no problem". Anyway, I'm spending a small fortune on Clorox wipes and sanitizing spray in attempt to clean up after this gorgeous furry mess... when the heck does it end??


Terry said...

Hi Deena!!

It is not uncommon for dogs to pick up bad habits. But in all fairness have you taken him to the Vet. Sometimes frequent urination can be signs of first diabetes or bladder infection. Once you have ruled those things out then try a spray they sell at your local pet store it is called no go. Also pick up his water while your gone.

me said...

Cat's are pooping in my apt as we speak... and they aren't even mine.

flflare said...

I agree with Terry. I have an 8 year old pug who has been diabetic for 5 years. I noticed she was peeing a lot and drinking the point it was driving me crazy. I thought nothing of it because it was summertime and it's hot. I now give her two shots of insulin daily and she's fine. Good luck!!!

Sheila said...

Hi Deena,
We have two pugs (we live in your neighborhood, we have a fawn/black and an all black pug). Our girl pug started peeing in the house a couple of months ago, not like her at all. We took her to the vet that weekend and she had a urinary tract infection. She was back to normal after a shot of anitbiotics. It's usually a sign that something is not right although with pugs it definitely can be psychological! Ziggy is a gorgeous pug (is there any other kind). Maybe you need a dog walker to take him out while you are gone? Good Luck! Love you on the show!