Monday, October 20, 2008

Weekend Goodies

It was a LONG weekend! When's the government gonna get crackin' on that mandatory 4 day work week?!

Andrew's Halloween party was Friday night and there were good-times all around. There was no detail left out. Cobwebs on EVERYTHING and the MOST food I've ever seen at a Halloween party, ever. I tried to play ping pong for about 42 seconds before the vodka took over.

Saturday night- Went back to Taverna Opa. The new one inside Cityplace. Good eats! Atmosphere is bizarre though. It's not quite like the one in Hollywood. Locationally, it's perfect for me but- I'm not quite sure how that's gonna pan out for the longevity of that place. I think it needs to be set on the water. Also, it's a bit bright inside and if you're sitting outside, you are completley left out. I type that because... well, because they sat us outside and then closed the giant sliding windows- rendering us unable to hear the music but totaly able to watch how much fun the people were having dancing on tables inside. Besides that- my lemon chicken was delicious and despite the fact that I've tried on TWO occasions now to recreate it at home... I'll never be able to get it just right. I AM harboring a bit of resentment about the fact that I ordered the lemon chicken because I knew it was suposed to come with yummy grilled eggplant. I confirmed that with the waitress. I got cold string beans. Boo. Before all of that- I met a great listener who came over to my table to say "hello". She said she recognized me from an old TV spot, which was cool. I wish I could credit her by remembering her name but I only recall the fact that she is a dental hygenist up north somewhere. My bad. I always SAY I'm terrible with names but people don't really grasp that until I have to be introduced to them for the 30th time.

Sunday- Good stuff at Oktoberfest! The weather was PHENOMINAL! Got to listen to the band play the Chicken Dance and some good Johnny Cash. Michelob came out and did new flavor sampling. All I need to tell you about that... go to a specialty store and treat yourself to a 6 pack of their new Honey Brew. Delicious! The Pumpkin flavor... thumbs down. Met some fun listeners there as well- was recognized simply based upon my laugh several times this weekend. That's always strange for me. I have one of those cackles. People either LOVE or DESPISE it. And, guess what??? There's NOTHING I can do about it.

This week: TON of stuff going on. I love the last 3 months of the year. Always a busy bee. Of course, I'll keep ya posted. What's new with YOU? Oh, about the photo up top... I have NO IDEA who that guy is.... he looked like a hobbit. That's all I remember.

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