Thursday, October 16, 2008

50 Things

We just interviewed this guy Brett Rounsaville and he really struck a chord with me. I don't know if it's because he's the same age (okay, I'm lying.. he's a year YOUNGER than me) or if it's because I actually really like all of the stuff on his bucket list. The idea of forming a list of things to accomplish before I die has always been on my list of priorities but was never actually at the top. I think I just underestimated the value of my goals. I always assumed a bucket list had to be full of super-wacky dreams like sky diving and base jumping. You couldn't pay me any amount of money to even pretend to be interested in extreme thrill activities. However, when I began reading his list- I was struck by the fact that he started out just wanting to interact with a Sloth. YES... a SLOTH! I've always wanted to do the same! I realized something... I suppose I began crossing things off of my bucket list a few years ago without even HAVING an actual list. It probably started with my desire to get into radio. Check! Then, there was my wanting to pet a penguin... and, I'm not bragging or anything (YES I am) but I got to do that years ago and it was awesome even though the smell alone, could kill a small child. I can also cross off my first overseas trip to England and Amsterdam... but, I WANT MORE! That's the thing about traveling... It's more addicting than any drug out there. So... I'm going to form my list in full and start crossing some stuff off of that bad boy. Who's with me?

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