Thursday, October 16, 2008


I'd like to begin this blog by telling you, the reader, that I'm feeling a ton of blog-related pressure. It's like some sort of blog-anxiety. I almost wish people would write and throw a few topics my way (DO IT!) so I can have stuff to rant about cause I'm an excellent ranter... definitely an excellent ranter. I look a foot to my right and see Bill typing away like Carrie Bradshaw (Sex and The City reference), chronicling every single thing we all do and say. He blogs just about every 5 minutes and it's pissing me off. I love Bill but sometimes I just wanna smack him in the face with my coffee mug . Seriously... look at this face! Now, I don't condone Bill Ryan-related violence but, should you run into him in public- I'd like you to feel free to tickle him unconscious. Hey! I just noticed my blog about nothing turned into a blog about my good friend Bill Ryan. How bout that?! I'm really starting to like this blogging thing. It's therapeutic! I think I'll write more later... Now, I need to get me one of them fancy pants IPhones or that new badass lookin' Google phone (which hits stores in less than 2 weeks!). Technology still scares me but I think I'll venture over to the dark side...


Anonymous said...

I've decided that I miss hearing you guys on the radio! And with the time difference I don't get to hear you even online! Damn Jennifer and Danny show for spoiling my taste in music. Definitely keep your rants up! I cracked up listening to the four of you!

Deena Lang said...

Stacy! You can listen online!! WRMF.COM. Stream the show in the morning! We're WAY better than... burnt toast. I won't even mention coffee... nothing is better than coffee.. mmmmmmmm