Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Well, HELLLLLO there, big boy!!

No, your eyes are not deceiving you... This is Britney Spears' ex-husband/baby daddy/ professional sperminator, Kevin Federline. He's been spotted in Miami, splashing about in hotel pools with his super hot pro volleyball player girlfriend and two of his four children. I know, by the looks of it, baby number 5 appears to be on it's way. Wait... he's a man... eh, let me rephrase.... He's a boy. He can't give birth. So... Why the giant weight gain? Because K-Fed seems to have managed to ink himself a VERY lucrative deal with a weight loss company that has promised to whip him back into shape. I, myself, have ZERO room to talk because I've been endorsing a weight loss program for the past 4 years. Here's the difference between the two of us. Wait... there are about a thousand differences, THANK GOD. Here's ONE of the differences between us: I didn't purposely pack on a ton of weight just to get an endorsement deal so I could bypass getting a REAL job. Behind the scenes, people are saying that Kevin has been purposely binging on fatty foods in order to gain a TON of weight. He's basically putting his health at risk just to make a buck. Well, a million bucks. Celebs have done this before... it's nothing new... but, my issue is this-- HOW much more irresponsible can you get? He's a parent of FOUR young children who is a known chain smoker and a heavy drinker. Binging on fried Twinkies on top of that? Irresponsible.
I know times are tough and, trust me, there isn't a whole lot I wouldn't do for a million bucks but- I imagine that things change when you become a parent. I'd like to think most people want to be around for as long as possible. Barring unforeseen circumstances and health issues outside of your control-- wouldn't you put the Little Debbie cakes down and try to increase your chances of being around for your kids?

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