Monday, April 13, 2009

Longest, bestest weekend EVER!

Man, oh man! What a weekend!

It all jumped off Friday afternoon- dropping Ziggy off at my mom's friend Nadene's house. She's got 4 dogs and Ziggy's never been around more than one at a time. You'd have thought I dropped him off at Disney World. Needless to say, he didn't want to leave when I returned to pick him up the next afternoon... May have also had something to do with the fact that he was fed veggie burgers, cookies and matzoh bry (sp?)

Headed down to the Bank Atlantic center with mom for her big birthday present: 2nd row floor tickets to YANNI. Yep... that guy. Tell ya what... it was awesome! 25 musicians on stage through the entire show. Love it. I don't care how lame that makes me look. A good show is a good show- regardless of WHO is performing.

I'd like to elaborate on what happened during the second half of that night but I'm trying my hardest to repress it. Let's just say, you don't want to go "bar hopping" in Coral Springs.

Saturday was a mad rush... ALL DAMN DAY! Got up, had breakfast with mom, picked up the dog, drove back up to Palm Beach. Took an hour nap. Packed it up and headed BACK down to Broward for my friend Jessica's Housewarming/Happy Birthday William-Party. Didn't mind the drive... I got to see people I love- even if only for a short while. Congrats on the house, guys- if you're reading this! (But, I know you're not ;). Nobody is.

Saturday night- part two... Had to drive all the way back up to North Palm Beach to take care of something and afterwards, was in the mood to throw down! I LOVE that my friends are able and willing to do so at a moments notice... especially when that requires just heading out close to midnight. Got home around 4:30ish and slept till noon. Yay for noon! Caught some wonderful sun for a few hours and did Easter dinner at Janine's. Her family was kind enough to include me (and some other random misfits) in their festivities. Had a blast! Don't think I've laughed that hard in years.

All in all... a great Easter weekend... and I'm ready to do it all over again!

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