Monday, January 26, 2009


Alright then! A smidge of time has passed since I last blogged. I understand that. I just cannot keep up with technology and it honestly never ends! I'm all for forward movement but I long for the days of the rotary phone. I want to walk across the room to change the channel. Ya know why? Because I left the house then! I played kickball with the neighborhood kids until my mom yelled for me to come in and eat dinner. Afterwards, I did something CRAZY! I read BOOKS! There are only a few pieces of current technology that I am considered a dinosaur for not welcoming into my life. Mainly- DVR, thousands of cable channels, NetFlix and Wii. Wonderful systems, I'm sure. But... I've got this crazy notion that fresh air is good for the mind and movement benefits the body. If you have successfully found a way to juggle an up-to-date cell phone, voicemail, Facebook, MySpace, Gmail, AIM, a blog, TiVo, gaming systems and every other piece of technology out there... I commend you! I never want to BE you... but, I think you are some sort of miracle child and I admire the fact that you've found some way to tack extra hours on to the conventional 24. While you do that-- I'm going to go get a prescription for Xanex because my mind is far too overstimulated to cope. Of course, I could use some sort of natural- healthy method of calming myself but, why?! We are a society of instant gratification and I should just adapt. I already drink 12 cups of coffee smothered with Splenda chemicals everyday... WHY NOT?

Seriously.. There should be a government mandated day- once a month, where technology is banned and EVERYONE, young AND old- has to spend time with... wait... wait for it.... OTHER HUMAN BEINGS!! If you hate people- I fully understand. Play with your dog, your iguana.. your goldfish. I don't care. Stare SOMETHING in the eye and communicate with it, will ya?!

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