Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Cosmo, what's the deal?!

I'm a big fan of magazines. They're normally reserved for travel because they're like a pretty little glossy colorful treat for me but, I purchased a Cosmo today. I normally get my style/fashion/dirt info off of the net but I was at the grocery store and felt a little nostalgic so I threw it on the conveyor belt. They really DO make you feel like a kid again. All of the ads for things that you STILL, in your adult life, CANNOT AFFORD. Fun stuff.

I came to a screeching halt at the "Smart Girlfriends Do THIS, Not THAT" article. It's supposed to be loaded with ways to really win your guy over and I can't read it without wincing. The first suggestion is: Watch the game with his friends. I'm not sure why he'd want that and furthermore, why would you? I know this is about selflessness and tapping into what your guy is "into" but- if you don't actually LIKE sports.. why put either of the pair through that torment? The little photo even depicts 3 guys and a girl (YOU) on the couch watching the game. This is GUY TIME... and I can't stand the fact that Cosmo wants YOU to crash that. I don't want my guy tagging along when I go shopping with my friends... and I don't WANT him to WANT to join us either. It IS healthy for people to be independent within a relationship and I'm not quite sure why there are so many who haven't figured that out.

I can't completely dog Cosmo out. There are a few bits of helpful wisdom within that particular article that could prove to be very helpful for a girl or two.. but.. I'm gonna keep ranting cause it feels good.. and that's what blogging's all about.

Another piece of "helpful" advice suggests leaving a delicate necklace at his place versus the old toothbrush routine. They claim it will make him think of YOU in similar terms every time he sees it. Really? A guy is REALLY gonna look at the dainty necklace you left on his nightstand and say "Wow... that girl is so special and flowery and dreamy!" Just like WE prefer to think that guys give us credit for having a brain... I'm pretty sure they can see right through the clever necklace scheme.

Again, I'm not out to destroy Cosmo. It's been a fun read. There are just too many misconceptions out there and all of these mags promote them. Just because most of us have common sense, it doesn't mean there isn't a girl out there clinging to every single word printed. That scares me. And, to that imaginary girl: Honey, if you're gonna do it- don't leave the good bling. Chances are, you've already read the article a few pages down that tells you it's liberating and mesmerizing to sleep with him on the first date. You're not getting that necklace back... OR a follow up call.

1 comment:

Bill Ryan said...

Deena, I'd love to read what you have to say, but is there any way you can change the damn color of the type from white to a color I can actually read without going blind? That would be great.

One of your biggest fans.