Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiger, go away...

Sitting here watching the Tiger Woods 2pm press conference on CNN...

It lends a few ideas to explain a small bit about why people might fear commitment. After all of the trials and tribulations we go through in attempt to find a "mate for life", there's stuff like that to worry about. I'm not even pointing fingers at one particular gender or another. It's mind blowing to think that a human being can be capable of leading what, in essence is a double life- times a dozen! The guy was hooking up with enough women to fill a short bus and... he wasn't just sleeping with them! They weren't one-shot deals. He was building and maintaining emotional relationships with all of them. Flying them across the globe. Having sleepovers in hotel rooms. Going out for Subway wraps. Watching Desperate Housewives. All in the name of ego. I'm baffled by any human being capable of creating relationships like these. It's truly sickening and sad all at the same time.

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