Thursday, April 15, 2010

Get yerself some TAX RELIEF!

They give a buncha breaks on a day like today- so why not enjoy the freebies?!

Here's a list of local places (with the exception of Taco Del Mar, I think) that are shelling out free goods all day today: FREEEEEEEEEEEE STUFF!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Tiger, go away...

Sitting here watching the Tiger Woods 2pm press conference on CNN...

It lends a few ideas to explain a small bit about why people might fear commitment. After all of the trials and tribulations we go through in attempt to find a "mate for life", there's stuff like that to worry about. I'm not even pointing fingers at one particular gender or another. It's mind blowing to think that a human being can be capable of leading what, in essence is a double life- times a dozen! The guy was hooking up with enough women to fill a short bus and... he wasn't just sleeping with them! They weren't one-shot deals. He was building and maintaining emotional relationships with all of them. Flying them across the globe. Having sleepovers in hotel rooms. Going out for Subway wraps. Watching Desperate Housewives. All in the name of ego. I'm baffled by any human being capable of creating relationships like these. It's truly sickening and sad all at the same time.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Doin' It Yourself

Saw THIS while surfing the web tonight. Some decent suggestions for DIY solutions! I particularly enjoy the old tuna can trick!

Friday, April 2, 2010


YES, it's that time of the year. Spring cleaning. Taking giant trash bags full of unused goods to Goodwill for someone else to enjoy. Purging myself of all things unnecessary. Feels good. And, thanks to my love of decor, my wonderfuly stylish former General Manager and a my fabulously informed gay friend, Matt, my house is becoming a home.

My problem has always been this- the fact that I am good at accessorizing but terrible when it comes to choosing large pieces. Same goes for my outfits. The clothing might be off but I always nail it with accessories. So, I need these two to keep me in line. My first step, after selling all of my existing bedroom furniture, was searching for a bed. I'm kinda through with sleeping on a mattress and boxspring on the floor. I'm also sick of having my belongings strewn about all over the place.

So- the look I'm transitioning into is more of a Baroque style and if you have any suggestions for side tables and furniture- I'm game! Also looking for other accessories and wall decor ideas.

Hook me up!