Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lordy, Lordy, Look whose almost 30!!

Someone asked me today how it felt to be "almost old and 30". Strangely, I didn't even have to think about it before answering and it's so liberating!

My answer was/is this:

I'm more excited than upset.

I've had gray hair for 10 years now- so that's nothing new. I accept that I'll be spending 2 hours stuck in a salon chair once a month from here on out. No big deal.

I'm pretty sure I'm accomplishing things in the order I should be. It's not the perfect receipe for everyone but it works for me. Building up my career- building up my life- dating and (most importantly) learning from each relationship. Solidifying relationships with the friends and family I love- and making sure they know exactly how I feel.

I'm in better shape physically and mentally now than I was at the age of 20. Back then, I walked with my head hung low, didn't know the importance of eye contact, didn't have the self esteem to get out and enjoy myself on the dance floor. It all takes time. You've gotta marinate.

Now, I feel strong, confidant and ready for a new chapter of life that I'm positive will totally trump all of the great things I think I've experienced thus far.

As far as my biological clock- yeah, it's ticking. Not gonna lie about that. But, I'm smart enough to know it's nothing that should be rushed. Just like everything else I've experienced- It'll all happen when it's meant to. I'm pretty grateful and pleased with the life I've lived this far and I'm honestly excited about what's to come.